How To Stay Cool In Your Apartment In Carmel

The extreme heat of summer may keep your Carmel apartment hot and sticky -- especially if you live at the top of your building. You could crank up the A/C for a quick respite and deal with a larger utility bill later. You could also occupy most of your day at the pool. Better yet, try these recommendations to stay cool in your apartment in Carmel.
Use Your A/C Wisely To Stay Cool In Your Apartment In Carmel

When you’re trying to stay cool in your apartment in Carmel, it’s often enticing to crank up the A/C. However, using your A/C equipment at top capacity can get expensive, and it’s not intended to cool down your unit more than 15-20 degrees lower than the outside temperature. You can operate your A/C in a more cost-effective manner by adjusting your thermostat to a slightly higher temp prior to leaving for your daily commute. This will keep your residence from becoming too warm without overburdening your A/C when you’re not there. After you return home, adjust it back to a more pleasant comfort level.
Routine care of your system lets your air conditioner run more efficiently too. You should request your building maintenance technicians to examine it and install new filters at least a couple times per year. Some apartment communities have planned HVAC filter changes throughout the year and provide the new filters for you. Let them know if you believe a filter needs changing or if your system is having a problem.
Put Up Window Treatments To Block The Sun’s Heat

Your apartment windows bring in an abundance of heat. Covering them with the right window treatments can help. Begin by shutting the blinds completely. The basic white blinds used in many apartments can reflect back a bit of the natural heat from sunshine. Your next step is the installation of room-darkening curtains. These thicker window coverings guard against those warm ultraviolet rays and can help keep your unit several degrees cooler. The majority of apartment complexes don’t mind if you put up a curtain rod if you agree to fix the drill holes before you vacate the premises.
If you love the views of your apartment grounds too much to conceal your windows, you might use removable, heat-resistant window film. This transparent product adheres to your windows and impedes heat but not your view. You can enhance your project even more by placing a stick-on weatherstripping product around the window perimeter to keep hot air out and cool air inside.
Improve Ventilation And Airflow With Fans
Fans can create ideal air circulation throughout your apartment’s layout to help ensure consistent comfort. Place a fan by a vent to distribute cool air. If you already use fans secured to your ceiling, make sure they turn in a counterclockwise fashion. This allows the fan to push the conditioned air down to where you need it.
When your apartment has kitchen or bath exhaust fans, you can use these too. Typically, these fans pull warmer air from your space and release it outside as you cook or use the shower, but they could be utilized whenever you want. Switch on the fans when you get home in the evening to get rid of the hot, stuffy air that collects in your apartment during your working hours while your cooling system or ceiling fans exchange it with treated air.
Limit Your Oven Use When The Summer Heat Is Sizzling

You Can Stay Cool At Lakeside Apartments
Lakeside boasts spacious floor plans, a range of sought-after amenities, and lovely, well-kept grounds--everything you need for a great apartment living experience all year round. Our friendly team will give you the details about everything we have to offer Residents when you contact us at 317-344-8491 or schedule a tour.